
Alchemize Resistance to Investing in Yourself

In this training, you will:

  • Revolutionize your relationship with the resistance that arises when you’re about to make an abundant investment or financial leap
  • Dissolve the need to feel “ready”, while honoring your authentic timing
  • Learn to recognize moments of doubt as invitations to embody a new identity
  • Explore a proven step-by-step guide to alchemize resistance to investing in yourself, and get clarity on what you really want

What’s inside:

1) Training: Your Sacred Investment {1 hour}

2) A step-by-step custom Resistance Alchemy Practice, focused on investment

Get permanent access to the training!

You want the thing. And you want it bad.

And, your sweet mind is moving a mile a minute: “I can’t afford that. I’m just not the kind of womxn who spends this kind of money. Who do I think I am? It’s just not the right time. I’m not ready.”

You’re fed up with playing small, but you don’t really know how to play bigger.

You’re ready to FEEL free to choose your investments wisely and abundantly, with total trust and self-confidence. Period.

Hey Queen, I’m Luna.

I’m the Founder of Orgasmic Soul Alignment Method™. I help leaders, therapists, spiritual teachers, artists and coaches embody their intrinsic divinity, radical fulfillment, sexual liberation and ease.

I’ve spent years refining my methodology to help you alchemize trauma, resistance, self-sabotage and emotional disempowerment…

and lift you into total alignment with who you really are, full sexual and creative liberation, and radical empowerment with your emotions and body.

I am devoted to helping you build a body-led life where you both FEEL your potential actualized now, and are free to embrace your lifelong healing and awakening journey.

I playfully merge modern neurobiology with ancient Tantric tools and trauma-informed embodiment work.

With this skillset, and your readiness, we rewrite your entire experience of reality.

Contact Luna Leona

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