
what if I were to tell you that your mind
is an infinitely intelligent mechanism?

it’s not something you need war with,
it’s not something you have to get around,
or overcome, or see past..

what if I were to tell you that your mind
– and  e v e r y  other experience in your life –
is a genuine living entity, a point of consciousness?
and just like another human being,
you can either choose to brush past
aspects of your own mind,
push them away, growl at them, run from them..
or slow your gaze
and listen, really listen,
as though it is dripping with the exact intelligence
needed to bring you deeper into awareness,
healing, wholeness, authenticity..

what if I were to tell you
there is nothing you could learn or do
that would make you truly, sustainably,
deeply happy
e x c e p t  how to listen to the life you are,
how to build an honest, clear and compassionate
r e l a t i o n s h i p
with the ever-dynamic compass of
your mind, your body, your emotions,
your intuition, your sensations, your eros?

what if I told you that all you really need to learn
is the guide map, the architecture, the total reality
of you
to be in exquisite, orgasmic relationship
with this world?