
When you undress with a beloved, you don’t just take off your conditioning and leave it on the floor.

You bring it into bed with you, no matter how much you love the person you’re with. It’s ironic, right? You’d think that in the safety of your own bed, with someone you choose, you’d be able to just be completely free…

This is how the subconscious works: it stores imprints from past conditioning and experience, and doesn’t know the difference between time and specific contexts.

This is why self-pleasure is one of the most effective ways to get to know your conditioning, heal and take the reins of your sexual experience into your own hands.

In my experience, the jade egg is like a holy grail of self-pleasure practices. It’s been used for thousands of years in the Taoist tradition, and is not just about “wearing an egg around”.

The jade egg can be used to enhance sensitivity, connect with all that’s unfolding underneath the surface, and release chronic tension, trauma and emotional content stored in the pelvis and pussy.

It can connect with our sensuality and turn-on, which provides energetic fuel for every area of our lives.

The jade egg has been shown to increase a woman’s sense of self-love and connection with her body, while also supporting her to resolve a wide-range of symptoms and hangups.

Most of us ache to discover ourselves/love/divinity in the depths of feeling wildly alive in intimacy.

But there’s no magic partner or context that will suddenly make your unprocessed conditioning disappear…

It’s up to you to be a sexually radiant and sensually alive woman for YOURSELF first.

When you say yes to exploring your pleasure as a path to healing and connection, you revolutionize your sex life, creative life, relationships – everything.